We understand that many of you are planning to create a Christmas Advent Calendar this year for your community.

A quick reminder of the game’s principle: the campaign offers Internet users the chance to play each day and scratch a box to try and win a gift.

Here are a few tips on how to create the best possible calendar:

  • Schedule the calendar to run from December 1 to 24, just like a traditional Advent Calendar.
  • Prepare 2-5 prizes each day and change up the prizes according to different days.
  • Promote your calendar via email, Facebook ads and you can even embed the calendar directly on your website keeping in mind customers who are doing their Christmas shopping.
  • Display a daily visual that doesn’t necessarily correspond to the prize, but spreads the Christmas Spirit. It can be an animated GIF (see example below) which displays objects in a setting of pine trees.

Configuration questions?

You can create your own campaign in just a few hours. Here is a tutorial to help you set up an Instant Win Calendar.

  • Create your own visuals — those of the homepage should instantly immerse players in a Christmas atmosphere. This helps produce a festive and joyful feeling just before the unveiling of the calendar surprise.
  • The Socialshaker Advent Calendar is based on the idea of instant winning. Visit “Mechanisms” > “Instant” and check out our tutorial for programming your prizes.
  • To set up calendar boxes, generate 24 boxes and upload a visual for each one. Design a “scratch” visual as well as images for subsequent “wins” and “losses” outcomes.

Your campaign is now ready for launch! Contact us at the bottom-right of the page if you get stuck on one of the configuration steps. And for advanced help, we’ve included this tutorial, which takes you through each step of the game setup.