Many of you in the Socialshaker community have launched campaigns during the Christmas period and we are pleased with your success But keep in mind, the new year is right around the corner! We strongly recommend leveraging the holiday season and engaging your community with their New Year’s resolutions.

So, let’s take a look at how this can be done. Because you’ve extended your fan base this holiday season, this is a good moment to firmly establish the loyalty of these new recruits with some branding Creating a dialogue with followers on various channels can further showcase your identity and unique message. There are two benefits in investing in this relationship you will better know your target in order to better tailor your message as well as increase demand for products after the holidays Your community, will in turn learn more about you and have increased confidence in future purchases.

Here are some games you can launch:

  • New Year’s Bonto: Try your luck and win a magical New Year’s Eve experience! Give your community a pleasant surprise and stretch out the holiday cheer.
  • Open Quiz: What are your New Year’s resolutions? Reconnect with our community after Christmas by organizing a survey on their resolutions. You can offer prizes to players who contribute. The resulting qualified content can be used to solicit comments on your Facebook page from fans anonymously.
  • Personality Test: What type of reveler are you? (Possible profiles: “Someone who wants to make a fresh start”, “Someone who doesn’t want 2016 to end”, “Someone who looks for any excuse to party”, etc.)
  • Fan Photo Choice: Vote for your favorite resolution. Allow your fans to choose among pics that portray “Getting in shape”, “Stopping drinking”, “Going on a diet”, “Saving money”, etc.

Other tips:

  • Take advantage of the opt-in data from your Christmas campaign and target messages through email. Choose the right social networks to tell stories around the incoming year and share positive messages around people’s resolutions.
  • Shake up your Facebook page activities. Don’t hesitate to diverge from your usual posts by launching new, original games.

Would you like help brainstorming on even more ideas? Connect with us in the Live Chat bubble at the bottom right of the page.